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PF3 crashes on 'connect'


If you are reporting an issue with PF3 please remember to Zip and attach the Debug_Monitor.log file from your PF3\Logs folder. Thank you.

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Post subject: Re: PF3 crashes on 'connect'
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:05 pm
Posts: 1325
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
Anything new?
that leaves me with no ATC - what is the quickest way to get PF3 back 'On Course' in that case, what station should I tune to when there is no ATC at the departure airport? I try as many local airport/approach frequencies I can find but never get any ATC response
Still really appreciate some help with that, as if anything goes wrong, or there is no COM frequency at the departure airport, I have no ATC at all for the rest of the flight. Is that inevitable?

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Dave March
Post subject: Re: PF3 crashes on 'connect'
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:44 pm
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This is rather awkward as I don't have x-plane, which is why I don't officially sorry it. It's strange though that you've been using it for sometime now without these issues.

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Dave March

Email: dmarch@oncourse-software.co.uk

I don't know if my memory is getting worse as I get older...
...I just can't remember how it used to be!

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Post subject: Re: PF3 crashes on 'connect'
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:22 pm
Posts: 1325
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
I have always had this issue Dave, but it doesn't come up frequently as most of the airports I fly to/from have at least a tower frequency. If the airport has no assigned frequencies, I cannot add it via the 'add a frequency' facility in PF3, as that crashes PF3 every time I do it, as I mentioned. I can probably do it by adding the frequency manually to one of the csv files an running the PF3 update..

But what I was asking was probably valid for FS2004 too - if you leave an airport without having contacted ATC, how do you get back in touch once you are en route? I try all sorts of likely frequencies, but even when I contact ground on arrival, tuning to the correct frequency, PF3 gives a little sound to show ,message received', but does no more. Seems if I can't contact ATC at the departure airport, PF3 is 'dead' for the rest of the flight. What would you do in FS9? May be that in X-Plane PF3 won't work if you haven't been able to make any contact with the departure airport, but just wanted to check the proper way in FS9 before I 'abandon all hope' for this in XP11.


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Post subject: Re: PF3 crashes on 'connect'
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:03 pm
Posts: 766
Joined: Sun May 05, 2013 2:22 am
As I mentioned above:
If you are departing from an uncontrolled airport, tune the designated FSS frequency for the airport to open your flight plan. If there is none, use the default FSS frequency 122.2. Once airborne, manually tune Departure frequency and make contact.
This procedure should work even if you have been unable to add any frequencies for the departure airport. If you are not using the PF3 Display Utility (pf3_display.exe) you should check it out as it will list the available frequencies as well as the Departure frequency you manually tune once airborne. See the section on PF3 Display Utility in the User Guide.



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Post subject: Re: PF3 crashes on 'connect'
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:42 am
Posts: 1325
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
Sorry Dan, I missed that somehow. I'll give that a go next time.

One thing I noticed yesterday is that whilst X-Plane and programmes like Little Navmap (the best flight/fuel planning/moving map programme I have ever seen - it's freeware, too) seem to use COM frequencies imported from FS9, the frequencies that PF3 uses are in the FSX data file; they often differ from those in FS9. So I copied all the FS9 data (after editing the slightly different format) into the PF3 FSX freq data file, overwriting all the entries there (after backing up the original of course!), and now the COM frequencies in PF3 and X-Plane invariably match. Makes 'life' (if flightsimming is 'life' - my son thinks not, but whatever!) a lot easier! It might have been neater to get PF3 to read the FS9 freq data file instead of the FSX one, but I couldn't see how to do that. May well be that the FSX frequencies are more up to date than the FS9 ones, but so long as PF3 and X-Plane agree, I am not too worried about that. The end result is a big improvement in PF3/XP11 working together.


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