OnCourse Software

PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR
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Author:  musky [ Tue May 09, 2023 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

The last time I tried a flight with the recently released MSFS ATR. PF3 stopped communicating half way through the fight. I was told that the reason was that the COM radio had been tuned away from the correct frequency. I did not do this and the PF3_Display no longer seems to work with MSFS.

Instead I was instructed to tune FSS on 122.20 then hotkey 4 to establish what frequency PF3 thought I should be on.

This is the first time I have tried to complete a flight with the ATR using PF3 since then and the same thing happened again, only this time when I tried to contact PF3 I did not even get the ding. I tried tuning FSS 122.20 but the hotkey menu did not update so typing hotkey 4 made no sense.

3 times now I have tried using PF3 with the ATR and PF3 has stopped responding every time. It think there is something going on here that I do not know about.


Author:  Dave March [ Wed May 10, 2023 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

Well I don't know if you attached the wrong log but you received the following from Departure when you were at an altitude of 7566'
09/05/2023 13:36:42: 480 - Transcript: 'Shamrock 255 Climb and maintain Flight Level 140 '
Then, 47 minutes later, you were still at 7566' and you disconnected from FS
09/05/2023 14:23:26: 590 - User confirmed 'disconnect' from FS!

Author:  musky [ Thu May 11, 2023 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

Hi Dave,
What you are telling does not make any sense. I had not used PF3 for several months and just started using to test it out with the ATR which I do not think has anything to do with the problems I am having.

The first flight I tried I did not get off the stand. When I connected PF3 to MSFS it connected OK displayed the frequencies it should and tuned frequency for me to get clearance. But when I pressed 0 I got nothing back from PF3. and that was that.

The second flight seemed to be going OK until I reached TOD at (14000) and as did not get and descent instruction from PF3 I requested descent using L+n. I got the ding but nothing else. When I sent you the log you said the frequency had been changed from what it should be and in future I could tune FSS on 122.20 hotkey 4 to establish was frequency PF3 expects.

The third flight again seemed to be going OK until again I reached TOD again at 14000. When I requested descent using L+n this time I got nothing from PF3 not even the ding. According to the log this time I never climbed above 7566 when in fact I was at 14000. And surely PF3 would have nagged me to climb to 14000. It used to.

The forth flight (log attached) was a recurrence of the first flight I could not even get clearance. I think something is causing PF3 to hang and I suspect the attached log is not going to tell you anything.


Author:  Dave March [ Thu May 11, 2023 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

Mark, I can only comment on what the log tells me and your third flight ended when you disconnected from FS before reaching 8000'

Author:  musky [ Fri May 12, 2023 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

Thanks Dave,
I now think this is a problem caused by FSUIP7 hanging ,so I will over there if it happens again.

One thing though, PF3 can restart a flight in a CTD. So could it not maintain it state in a MSFS disconnect situation allowing you to reconnect and carry on?

Thanks again

Author:  Dave Leesley [ Fri May 12, 2023 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

I have the MS ATR as well,so i can check with a short flight from Edinburgh to Southampton using Loganair,just to confirm if any other problems arise,

Edit: I can confirm no issues with PF3 and MS ATR,everything is of the latest version

Author:  musky [ Fri May 12, 2023 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

I now think the root cause of my problem is FSUIPC7 hanging and not the ATR.

I have created an FSUIPC7 lua script so I can control all the main ATR AP modes using my GoFlight MCP PRO and there have been at least 2 occasions when FSUIPC7 has hung while I have been dialing up the altitude. I suspect PF3 would see FSUIPC7 hanging as a MSFS disconnect.

Of course I have no explanation why this particular lua code would cause a problem with FSUIPC7, but this is the most likely candidate at this time


Author:  Dave Leesley [ Fri May 12, 2023 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

Suspect GoFlight and FSUIPC 7 obviously not talking to each other,my setup is Saitek Radio Panel,Saitek Multi panel using SPADNext and haven't encountered any issues.
It's a nice aircraft to fly compared with Flight1 Software's version for FS2004 and FSX,

Author:  rob_1965 [ Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

I have the same problem. Everything went well till about halfway during the flight.
Then i connected to london control. I was recognised.. But then it stopped communicating.
I hope you can help me.


Rob Peters.

Author:  pointy56 [ Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PF3 Problems with MSFS ATR

We really need to see the debug_monitor.log file for the flight to assess what happened (not the xdebug.log).


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