OnCourse Software

pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".
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Author:  jonbird [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

I installed pf3 atc at its best on my windows 10 64 bit intending to use for both fs9 and p3d v5. Now have p3d v 5.2 installed. I also allowed an exlusion with my antivirus software (bitdefender). I also have fsuipc in all my sims. I load the aircraft with a flight plan then load the flight plan in pf3 but when I click to connect, the pf3 crashes in both fs9 and p3d v. 5. I have attached the zipped log file of the debug monitor as verification. Please let me know what I did wrong to fix this. Thank You.

Author:  Dave March [ Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

You are using the base installation of PF3 and need to update it to the latest, current and only supported version.

Please use the 'Check for Updates' button on the main PF3 display and if that says there are no updates then please download and install the latest cumulative updates package found at the top of this forum.

Author:  jonbird [ Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

I did install v. 3.10.50 and it now connects to p3dv5 and I have flown the sim successfully using pf3. However it still will not connect to fs9. I double checked my fsuipc and make runways for that and it is up to date and I did run make runways several times and refreshed the pf3 database several times with the new make runways runways.csv file but it still will not connect to fs9 and pf3 crashes. I attached 3 logs for your analysis. Would really like to run this pf3 in fs9. Thanks.

Author:  jonbird [ Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

As a further addendum to my previous post about pf3 crash when attempting to connect to fs9. When I click the "connect" button I get a warning that the refresh data was for fs9 but I am attempting to connect with "unknown", and that there will be problems. So the problem is that it crashes. I don't know how to make fs9 known from "unknown" when it is known.

Author:  Dave March [ Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

For some reason PF3 believes you are using FS2002
6/14/2021 1:39:52 PM: 210 - PF3 Version: 3.10.50
6/14/2021 1:39:52 PM: 210 - FS Version: FS2002
6/14/2021 1:39:52 PM: 210 - FSUIPC Version: 3.999Z
Here's my log for FS9
16/06/2021 16:35:07: 140 - PF3 Version: 3.10.57
16/06/2021 16:35:07: 140 - FS Version: FS2004
16/06/2021 16:35:07: 140 - FSUIPC Version: 3.999Z
I can't explain why this is happening. PF3 simply reads the info from FSUIPC and I see you are using the correct version of fsuipc. I use FS9 all the time whilst testing and coding as it loads so much faster than MSFS so I know there's no issue with it. What version of FS9 do you have installed (right-click on FS9.exe and select 'Properties/Details')?

Mine is File Version and Product Version 9.00.030612.02

Author:  jonbird [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

I am using fs9 v. Also it is in compatability mode for xp sp2.

Author:  Dave March [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

Oh, I thought I had all the FS9 updates installed.... I'll have a search around and see if I can get to the same version as you

Author:  Dave March [ Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

If you could set FSUIPC Logging to display the version number in the FS Title bar it will rule out any data issues.

You need to set it up like this... then after you hit okay you should see the FS title bar displaying Monitor IPC:3308 (U8) = 7
[ attachment ]
2021-06-18_104453.jpg (164.73 KiB) Viewed 1509 times

Author:  jonbird [ Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

So, I got FSUIPC to log onto the title bar using the following, "IPC:3308 (U8)=6". Still the same result that pf3 crashes when trying to connect. There was no (U8) 7. Only 6. I don't understand all of that but did what you told me to do.

Author:  Dave March [ Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pf3 atc at its best crashes when I click "connect".

Well FS9 is version 7 so if yours is not showing 7 that is the problem. Version 6 is FS2002. It has nothing to do with PF3. As I said earlier, PF3 only reads the information from FSUIPC. Why your FS9 does not show up as the correct version I do not know and you would have to raise the question on the FSUIPC support forum, although I doubt you will get much joy out of Pete Dowson when running such an old sim.

Nothing more I can do, sorry.

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