Much of the issue that has been confusing me with PF3 (I am a retired real-world ATP-rated pilot) is a problem with terminology. When you select "STARs active" in PF3, what you're really doing is selecting the option to fly via nonradar guidance from the last flight plan fix to final. That's not really a STAR, per se. A STAR is a published procedure that takes the aircraft from the enroute structure to the terminal environment--not necessarily to an approach. Some STARs actually do take you right to an IAF for a published approach, while many others end at a fix within the approach control's radar service area, with expectations that the aircraft will be picked up by ATC radar approach control for vectors at some point before reaching the end of the published STAR track.
So here's how I prefer to recharacterize the PF3 options, similar to what RALF has suggested, but more in line with r/w procedures:
1. Vectors: the pilot flies the filed track until PF3 commences vectors to final. This looks to be essentially what you get now without the "STARs active" option checked.
2. Published approach: the pilot flies a route filed to a published approach IAF...once cleared for the approach, he flies to the IAF and flies the full approach as published and is left alone by ATC until he is approaching the FAF inbound and ready for handoff to tower. A STAR which feeds into a published approach would be included, as well as any other route to a valid IAF. This is similar to what is currently mislabelled "STARs active." And "cleared to finals" would be better replaced with "cleared for the approach."
What Ralf describes as "pilot's discretion" would be most procedurally correct as an option to allow the pilot to "Cancel IFR" and fly via his own navigation with just traffic advisories until handed off to tower at ~10NM. So if you're on a STAR or vectors or any other routing and it's clear and a million with the airport in sight, you can cancel and fly a visual on your own...ATC's role is suspended until you contact tower for landing clearance.
Bob Scott
Thank you very much for this insight into real world procedures. I agree that the terminology used by PF3 - and me - can be misleading, in particular with regard to those STARs that lead to a fix where ATC-vectors are to be expected.
The good thing is that all these procedural options can already be setup with the current options PF3 offers. To fly a STAR and get vectors at the end of the STAR you include the STAR waypoints in your flightplan and
untick the STAR option. A little misleading indeed.