I've made several flights with PF3 and am generally very impressed... definitely a major step up from PFE. With that said, I've noticed several issues that appear to recur consistently. I consider most of these problems to be minor... but they're obvious bugs just the same:
1. After making changes in the options #1 window (more than once) clicking close shuts down the entire PF3 program.
2. Altimeter mismatches... in areas where the altimeter is designated for Millibars, I sometimes get the altimeter in inches of Hg (and vice versa).
3. Many times when checking in to a new sector after a frequency change, the new controller just responds with my callsign. At least put a "roger" or a "good morning" in there if the controller has nothing else to say.
4. During vectoring, sometimes when the controller issues a right turn, the pilot responds with a left turn (and vice versa). The direction issued by the controller is usually correct (i.e. it's the shorter turn)... so the readback is incorrect.
5. Sometimes after issuing a frequency change to the next controller, the previous controller comes back with another instruction before I can switch. He needs to be quiet until I check in with the next controller. The way it is now, I don't know whether to acknowledge the instruction or check in.
6. Airport elevation is added to ATIS ceilings and cloud heights. This is not needed because they are already reported as AGL in the METAR.
That's all I have for now. Once again... job well done! Keep up the good work!