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FDC for C-130

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Dave Leesley
Post subject: Re: FDC for C-130
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 6:40 pm
Posts: 1330
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 8:27 pm
Location: Yorkshire
When i say experiment...try 6 flap settings for starters,then try 9..."if first you don't succeed, try and try again"....until you get a successful connection.


Regards Dave
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Post subject: Re: FDC for C-130
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:50 pm
Posts: 1325
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
I kind of lost interest for a while, but came back to the problem today. I now have FDC files that work with the Captain Sim C-130. FDC connects and flap calls seem fine. I need to fine tune them perhaps, but I attach the files here in case anyone else would like to give them a go. I cannot vouch for the actual speeds at which flaps will go up or down (if you use the VCP), that's something I need to check out some more. If there are any major improvements, I'll load the files again.

To install you need to do the following:

1. Unzip, and then copy the files 'Lockheed C-130.uco' and 'Lockheed C-130.pro' to the FDC/Data folder
2. Edit the Captain Sim C-130 aircraft.cfg file (back it up first of course!) so that the [Flaps] section is the same as in the file Flaps c130.txt (in the zip file). It may be like that already.

You should be good to go.

Note also...
1. As the recorded flaps calls in FDC don't match those in the C-130, I have called them 1,2,3,4,5 & 10. As Dave suggested, I have limited the flaps to six positions - FDC complains about 10, as per my previous screenshot in this thread.
2. There is no checklist as yet. I'll try to upload one soon, when I make one that matches more or less the C-130 start up, taxi and take-off procedure, but it'll be a checklist which reflects my FS preferences and so you may well want to tweak it to your own, of course. Or maybe there's one already out there, which I haven't found. If you know of a good one (or a better set of FDC files!) please post back...
3. The files are set up more or less to my own preferences (VCP, voices, volumes etc. etc.): once you have them loaded in FDC you'll be able to change anything you want using the FDC options interface of course, or change the text in the files directly, if you usually do it that way.

If I notice any silly errors I have made, I'll post back corrections here: that's very possible, so watch this space!


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Dave March
Post subject: Re: FDC for C-130
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:29 pm
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thank you Martin



Dave March

Email: dmarch@oncourse-software.co.uk

I don't know if my memory is getting worse as I get older...
...I just can't remember how it used to be!

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Post subject: Re: FDC for C-130
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:55 pm
Posts: 1325
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
This is not perfect (what is??!), but it works pretty well now. The files I posted before should certainly be ditched!!

Install the performance files by unzipping data.zip and installing the files in the FDC/Data folder. The checklist files (from user.zip) should go into the FDC/data/User folder. The checklist more or less follows the C-130 briefing (KLRF-KDYS) that comes with the C-130 (as far as I recall), though a lot of the calls are not avaiable in FDC. Note there is no 'Before Pushback' checklist: due (I am 99% sure) to a bug in the CS C-130, the FS9 a/c at least cannot be started up from batteries, only with ground power connected (whatever the CS manuals may say!), so you need to sit tight whilst you start the engines up. But tweak everything as you see fit of course (I am not 100% happy with the .uco file - I'll look at it again at some stage - I am not getting V1 calls for instance).

You'll need to get FDC to use the checklist for the C-130, BTW (Options/Select Aircraft.. 'Select Aircraft for this Flight' = User: Lockheed C-130. 'Select checklist for this aircraft ' = User: Lockheed C-130. 'Save Changes'....)

This was all done for my own benefit, but one or two people may find it useful; hence the upload here. I have a 'quick startup guide' too for the C-130, with FDC in mind. If enough people (i.e. more than zero!) request it I'll upload it too.


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