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Why can't I read the debug log?


If you are reporting an issue with PF3 please remember to Zip and attach the Debug_Monitor.log file from your PF3\Logs folder. Thank you.

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Dave March
Post subject: Why can't I read the debug log?
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:23 pm
Site Admin
Posts: 6191
Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 6:22 pm
Location: Sawtry, Cambridgeshire. UK
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We've had a lot of users asking this question and some have voiced their annoyance at not being able to do so.

The reason is simply because it was never designed for end users so it really doesn't contain much (if any) user friendly information. Without having access to PF3 source code you would have a very difficult time understanding what most of the entries mean or what they refer to. Some of our beta testers do an amazing job of working through the log despite not having the PF3 source code, but not all of them can do so.

There would be no advantage to me for you to be able to view the debug log file and in fact it would probably cause me a lot more time answering log related questions, plus I would have to bear in mind the logs were being read by end users and therefore make the entries relevant to such an audience rather than just developers.



Dave March

Email: dmarch@oncourse-software.co.uk

I don't know if my memory is getting worse as I get older...
...I just can't remember how it used to be!

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