OnCourse Software

"Contact Approach on..."?
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Author:  martinlest [ Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  "Contact Approach on..."?

OK, an easy one! :-)

Rarely flying into an airport without a tower or ground frequency, I found myself a bit stumped when that happened today. ATC said 'contact approach on...", and in that case, it seems that the VCP in Mode 2 does not change the frequency, so I did it manually.

But what key combination (keyboard; my PF3 hotkeys are custom, as the defaults clash with other mappings in X-Plane) do I need to then press to make contact with Approach? I tried at first the same key as I'd use to contact tower (though as I am in Mode 2 mostly at that stage, it happens via the VCP), then a couple of other possibilities, hotkey-wise. No reply, so I guess I was doing it wrong.
No doubt the answer is in the pdf somewhere, but I haven't been able to locate the answer ((searched for the term 'approach', and read the VFR section). :shock: Sorry.

Thank you.

Author:  Dave March [ Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Contact Approach on..."?

I don't think you sent the correct log Martin. YOur destination here certainly has a Tower :shock:

Author:  martinlest [ Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Contact Approach on..."?

That's odd. I definitely was asked to 'contact Approach' not tower.

Even so, still wondering what keys I am expected to press to contact Approach (on 122.20). Is there some reason why the PF3 VCP doesn't do this, as it would for 'contact tower'? I have to be extra vigilant if I am flying into a non-controlled airport as I am so used to the VCP doing this, I nearly always forget to do it manually (and so end up landing with no further contact from ATC, as was the case earlier today - you sure it's not in the log somewhere? (I have a vague feeling I might have asked that before at some stage???).

Author:  Dave March [ Thu Nov 02, 2023 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Contact Approach on..."?

Yes you were handed off to Approach who cleared you for the approach and told you to contact Tower when established
02-Nov-23 12:35:46 PM: 590 - Transcript: 'Indonesia 7385 Golf Contact Approach on 122.22 '
02-Nov-23 12:35:53 PM: 650 - Transcript: 'Roger 122.22 Indonesia 7385 Golf '
02-Nov-23 12:36:02 PM: 740 - Transcript: 'Departure Indonesia 7385 Golf with you out of 9 thousand for 5 thousand '
02-Nov-23 12:36:11 PM: 810 - Transcript: 'Indonesia 7385 Golf Roger Altimeter is 1013 '
02-Nov-23 12:36:17 PM: 630 - Transcript: 'Indonesia 7385 Golf at November India November India Golf Descend 2 thousand Cleared to final for Mike Sierra Approach runway 17 when ready Contact Tower on 119.1 when established. '
02-Nov-23 12:36:30 PM: 780 - Transcript: 'Out of 8 thousand 5 hundred for 2 thousand at November India November India Golf until established on final for runway 17 Contact Tower on 119.1 when established. Indonesia 7385 Golf '

Author:  martinlest [ Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Contact Approach on..."?

Oh, I don't recall now of course. "The log never lies", I am sure!

And did the VCP contact the tower (I was in Mode 2)? I thought something went wrong that wasn't entirely my fault, but I may be mistaken even in that!!!

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