OnCourse Software

EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500
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Author:  JohnY [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

Yesterday, coming over the hills from the north I got descend instructions down to 1000' far too early! There I was going up and down like a yo-yo to get over the tallest of the hills!

Then it was a really strange approach going all round the airport to get on to R7.

Still, I must say I'm enjoying PF3 now that I seem to have the settings the way I want them. Still fine tuning the voices volume a bit. Other than that, Ican get going on the flying without too many qualms and I love the TSG bug and ground controller giving directions.


Author:  ThomasAH [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

Logs or it did not happen :)

I have never seen PF3 give instructions to descent to 1000ft, the FAF is 3000ft above ground (rounded up to the next 500ft), but you can specify other altitudes. Maybe you did? (Minimum FAF alt on the SID/STAR page) There the altitude is MSL, not AGL.

Author:  JohnY [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

Yes, I must admit to being surprised myself and I thought at first I must have both mis-hear and mis-read it but it then happened again...three times in all with the last one being about right for a nice flat final.

I'm not complaining and am not asking for anything to be done about it, and frankly, can't be bothered with sending the logs whatever and wherever they are in my system.

I've just had a very satisfactory VFR flight from Barcelona to Marseilles and this time the adventure was to find my own way to a parking spot from a landing on an unflattened VFR France Photo Scenery Marseilles airport! The scenery is nice but I do wish they had worked on the airports a little more. At least to get them looking
something like an airport.


Author:  vololiberista [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

JohnY wrote:
Yes, I must admit to being surprised myself and I thought at first I must have both mis-hear and mis-read it but it then happened again...three times in all with the last one being about right for a nice flat final.

I'm not complaining and am not asking for anything to be done about it, and frankly, can't be bothered with sending the logs whatever and wherever they are in my system.

I've just had a very satisfactory VFR flight from Barcelona to Marseilles and this time the adventure was to find my own way to a parking spot from a landing on an unflattened VFR France Photo Scenery Marseilles airport! The scenery is nice but I do wish they had worked on the airports a little more. At least to get them looking
something like an airport.

With the logs though, we can check what you did or didn't do so it would also help you prepare better flightplans.

Author:  Dan77 [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

And being told to descend to 1000 is definitely not normal; I've never had it happen either. If it has happened three times, there may be an issue with the flight plans or maybe a setting needs to be adjusted somewhere. Can't tell without looking at the log file.

Author:  JohnY [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

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Hi Dan

This is the first time I've done this so I hope it works.

I've attached the two files because I've done a flight since and didn't know which one the details would be in.

It looks all Greek to me!


Author:  vololiberista [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

JohnY wrote:
Hi Dan

This is the first time I've done this so I hope it works.

I've attached the two files because I've done a flight since and didn't know which one the details would be in.

It looks all Greek to me!

At first glance your fpl has BCN as the last waypoint before LEBL which is not correct. BCN is the locator VOR for Barcelona and is only 2nm from the airport. Your last waypoint should be PUMAL.

Because you included BCN in the fpl, PF3 tried to compute a vertical profile and got it right actually as being 1,000ft. But you need to discard it altogether and from PUMAL fly the correct STAR approach.

What flight planning software are you using? onlineflightplanner.org is a good option as it always uses the latest airac cycle too.

Author:  Dan77 [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

When you loaded the flight plan you probably got a warning about waypoints being too close to the airport. This warning is displayed if the last waypoint is closer than 15 nm to the airport, which is not recommended. (I usually aim for 25-40 nm, though this can vary depending on the flight plan.) Also, if you have the STARs box ticked at the bottom of the SIDs/STARs page (as it appears you do), you will not get vectors after your last waypoint. PF3 will clear you to fly to the runway at pilot's discretion. If you un-tick the STAR option and have PUMAL as your last waypoint, PF3 will begin vectoring you after PUMAL.

Author:  JohnY [ Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

Great Dan & Voliberista

Yes, I must admit I don't like to have to alter the waypoints because it takes so long before I get in the air! However, I will in future.

I'll also untick the star option.

Thanks for the explanations. How the hell you fella's can read that gobbledegook in those logs I don't know! But I'm glad you can. :)

Thanks again.


Author:  vololiberista [ Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EGGD Bristol to LEBL Barcelona in the Phenom 500

JohnY wrote:
Great Dan & Voliberista
How the hell you fella's can read that gobbledegook in those logs I don't know! But I'm glad you can. :)

Thanks again.

It's easy we measure the area of each square and then count the number :lol:

The last waypoint BCN should never have been in your flightplan. Did you do it manually?
onlineflightplanner.org is a good site as it uses RoutFinder and is always up to date as regards the latest airac cyle.

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