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PF3 Randomizer

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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:54 am
Posts: 368
Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:29 pm
I agree that the closeness to reality of the randomizer is highly dependent on where you fly. Like everything in context with STARs. So it's good to have these options.


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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:34 pm
Posts: 81
Joined: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:12 am
vololiberista wrote:
sbsim wrote:
KevinJH wrote:
... what percentage chance is there of potential interference when trying to track down a bug or fault should one occur during a flight ?
Randomizer does not interfere with PF3 at all. It just sets values of four already existing keys in PF3.ini and quits.

Gents, let me explain the function of my program a different way.

1.In reality, ATC decides whether clear you for a standard procedure or vector you.
Absolutely not in Europe! That said what you are saying does occur a lot in FAA territory. So for that reason it might work. But you are going to end up with American simmers flying by FAA rules in ICAO territory which is not correct. So I would recommend that PF3 put some sort of constraint on that procedure.

I disagree with this comment. At Heathrow ATC does vector you while flying STAR. It would ask you to fly STAR approach and depending on traffic situation, it may clear you directly to one of IAFs. If you wish to see that there is DVD about Kenya airways 777 Nairobi to heathrow. The pilot is flying BIG 3b STAR and he is directly cleared to TIGER way point and then instead of BIG as per filed plan he is cleared to OCK. From there he is vectored directly 9R without any height restriction. this is real life scenario. Similarly, in video of TNT airways 777, while landing at Dubai,, initially it is asked to follow full star and in the middle of it, pilot is vectored to land on 12L.
So randomisation is in the hands of ATC and not pilot. It depends on traffic, wind and even other events happening at airport.

Ash Nerurkar

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Dave March
Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:25 pm
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For what it's worth I think this utility is a 'nice to have' for some and a 'not for me thank you' for others. I think the original post was a bit confusing (for me at least) because it gave the impression that the program was doing a whole lot more than it actually does... even I was thinking 'how the heck has he achieved that?' :shock:

As with a lot of things in PF3 they are not going to be of use to those with real world experience and who prefer and expect their flights to be as realistic and accurate as possible, but for the general aviation enthusiast most of what PF3 offers will suffice. Then there are the lazy, inexperienced, just-wanna-have-a-quick-no-hassle-flight from A to B (like yours truly ;) ) who really can't be bothered with flying correct procedures and worrying about height restrictions, speeds, holds, etc., but just want their hand held as much as possible.

So I think what the author has done here is absolutely fine. It really doesn't matter whether the Randomizer adds or subtracts from the reality of the simulation if indeed that aspect of this hobby doesn't matter to you. For instance, some years ago I had an email from a user complaining that they heard XXX airline at a particular airport (this was prior to PFE using AI traffic based chatter) which he said was rubbish because that airline never uses that airport. Well it really didn't bother me in the least, but for that particular user it was of prime importance and I think it spoilt his day!

I don't think the author is trying to make things more realistic he just wants to add a little more fun to his hobby, which is fine and I'm sure many more will enjoy what he's done. Me? No I would use it because I might have to do more than I really want! :D

Anyway, once the activity here quietens down I'll move this topic to the Useful Links sticky above.



Dave March

Email: dmarch@oncourse-software.co.uk

I don't know if my memory is getting worse as I get older...
...I just can't remember how it used to be!

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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:33 pm
Posts: 75
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:23 pm
vololiberista wrote:
So I would recommend that PF3 put some sort of constraint on that procedure.
It would be the same as forcing to select SIDs/STARs Active in PF3 when flying in Europe as Randomizer does nothing different than selecting already available options. I am not going to discuss what is realistic/appropriate/right, but I believe that it is flexibility that makes PF3 the best ATC program around.

If you want to set all the options yourself, just do it. If you want, for whatever reason, more unpredictability, you can ask your girlfriend to set some options for you or just run Randomizer :) That's it.

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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:06 pm
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sbsim wrote:
vololiberista wrote:
So I would recommend that PF3 put some sort of constraint on that procedure.
It would be the same as forcing to select SIDs/STARs Active in PF3 when flying in Europe as Randomizer does nothing different than selecting already available options. I am not going to discuss what is realistic/appropriate/right, but I believe that it is flexibility that makes PF3 the best ATC program around.

If you want to set all the options yourself, just do it. If you want, for whatever reason, more unpredictability, you can ask your girlfriend to set some options for you or just run Randomizer :) That's it.
You have a girlfriend that lets you fly your sim? Some people have all the luck :lol:


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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:46 pm
Posts: 81
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sbsim wrote:
Gents, I'd like to share with you a tiny application PF3 Randomizer that I programmed for myself to make PF3 more variable, specifically, to have standard procedures or vectors assigned on random basis. It randomly adjusts PF3 settings for SIDs and STARs so that you will never know what kind of departure/arrival is waiting for you. The download link and more details below.

You can download PF3 Randomizer from: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gaisyvzphfwgw ... m.exe?dl=0

What does it do

It randomly adjusts PF3 settings to make departures and arrivals unpredictable.

Randomized Departures

Thanks to PF3 Randomizer you will get:

25% chance of being vectored,
75% chance of being cleared for SID.

Randomized Arrivals

25% chance you will be vectored,
75% chance you will be cleared for STAR.

Randomized SID/STAR naming (can be ignored)

To further increase variability, I developed a system of random SID/STAR names that PF3’s ATC will use when not vectoring you as generic instructions. It may look a bit complicated and not strictly realistic, but I like it this way and decided to share it untouched.

You can completely ignore SID/STAR names and always fly a standard departure/arrival procedure for simplicity or if you don’t like my system.

SID names that will be spelled by ATC, with the probability of assignment and a description:

SP (50%) – full Standard Procedure with altitude restrictions (I adhere to altitude restrictions of the published procedure even if initially cleared higher by ATC).

SP0A (10%) – Standard Procedure without Altitude restrictions.

DIR (30%) – cleared for Direct to the end of SID.

DIR2Wn (10%) – cleared for Direct To the Waypoint number n of your approved flight plan. “Two” is used instead of “To”, sounds alike :)

STAR names:

SP (50%) – Standard Procedure (full with altitude restrictions).

SPx2y (10%) – Standard Procedure with speed of x KTS till y NM from runway. E.g. Sierra Papa One Seven Zero Two (To) Six – cleared for STAR, maintain speed 170 kts until 6 nm from runway (high speed approach). Eventual following ATC speed restrictions have priority.

SPWSD (10%) – Standard Procedure With Shorter Distance. Sometimes ATC gives you a “shortcut” during a STAR. I use this generic name and when ATC gives me this possibility, I adjust my flight plan when/how it is save and reasonable. A good example is a long transition (e.g. in LOWW or OMDB) and it’s just great to hear this instruction there, clear some waypoints and land 10 minutes earlier :)

DIR (20%) – Cleared for Direct to IF/IAF (as appropriate according charts/situation).

DIRn (10%) – Cleared for Direct to IF/IAF, maintain speed n kts. Eventual following ATC speed restrictions have priority.

Remember that this naming system is generic and optional. You, the pilot in command, are fully responsible to select an appropriate procedure, flight path, altitude and speed if ATC instructions are endangering your flight!

How does it work

PF3 Randomizer is programmed in Autoit - a freeware scripting language. When ran, it randomly modifies four keys in PF3.ini file: SID, STAR, SIDName, STARName. Nothing else is changed. These keys are also changed when you adjust SIDs/STARSs settings inside PF3 application. The difference is that with Randomizer you will not know the settings until ATC gives you departure/arrival instructions. I personally prefer to be surprised, it’s more realistic, entertaining and challenging.

How to use it

1. Download PF3random.exe and move it to the main PF3 folder, the same folder where PF3.ini file is located. No install is required.
2. Run PF3random.exe before you run PF3. It will adjust the above-mentioned PF3 settings on random basis.
3. Run PF3 and use it as always, but do not check SIDs/STARSs options if you wish to remain surprised.

Final notes

I love PF3 and not only because it enables me to randomize it :) Randomizer was originally developed for PFE and is permanently fine-tuned, especially the SID/STARS naming system. I will appreciate any comments to make it better. Enjoy ;)

Does it work with PFE as well?

Ash Nerurkar

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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:39 pm
Posts: 75
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:23 pm
Ashun wrote:
Does it work with PFE as well?
No, it works only with PF3. I uninstalled PFE after buying PF3.

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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:42 pm
Posts: 75
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:23 pm
vololiberista wrote:
You have a girlfriend that lets you fly your sim? Some people have all the luck :lol:
Well... she lets (sometimes), but doesn't assist (yet) :)

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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:18 pm
Posts: 75
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:23 pm
I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback and Dave for not taking my effort as a threat, but as an opportunity, at least for some users. I have two more notes.

SID/STAR names - technical explanation and how to disable them

I presume that many of you will not want to use my names for SIDs and STARs. It's easy to disable this functionality. Whether the names are used depends on your settings in SIDs/STARs options inside PF3. Random names for SIDs are only used when you have selected the option If no SID (DP) name entered use .... Likewise, random names for STARs are only used when you have selected the option If no STAR name entered use .... It means you can decide whether to use variable names set by Randomizer or default "Delta Papa", "Sierra Tango". Technically, Randomizer does not rewrite these two options, it just rewrites the names. Anyhow, you will always have 25% chance that ATC will vector you instead of clearing you for a standard procedure as the program randomly sets SIDs/STARs Active options.

Customization of probabilities and names

As suggested by Richard and Ralf, I plan to provide a way to customize all probabilities and names. This will open new possibilities, e.g. to set 100% probability of STAR and have its name randomly selected from 3 entered alternatives (as some airports have more published procedures for given runway and arrival direction).


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Post subject: Re: PF3 Randomizer
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:57 am
Posts: 155
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:07 pm
sbsim wrote:
I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback and Dave for not taking my effort as a threat, but as an opportunity, at least for some users. I have two more notes.

SID/STAR names - technical explanation and how to disable them

I presume that many of you will not want to use my names for SIDs and STARs. It's easy to disable this functionality. Whether the names are used depends on your settings in SIDs/STARs options inside PF3. Random names for SIDs are only used when you have selected the option If no SID (DP) name entered use .... Likewise, random names for STARs are only used when you have selected the option If no STAR name entered use .... It means you can decide whether to use variable names set by Randomizer or default "Delta Papa", "Sierra Tango". Technically, Randomizer does not rewrite these two options, it just rewrites the names. Anyhow, you will always have 25% chance that ATC will vector you instead of clearing you for a standard procedure as the program randomly sets SIDs/STARs Active options.

Customization of probabilities and names

As suggested by Richard and Ralf, I plan to provide a way to customize all probabilities and names. This will open new possibilities, e.g. to set 100% probability of STAR and have its name randomly selected from 3 entered alternatives (as some airports have more published procedures for given runway and arrival direction).

Thank you Roman if you can do that and thank you also if you can't of course ;-). Anyway I think that I'll try 50/50%...


Richard Portier

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