Hello. I've had a few successful flights in MSFS with the program now. Starting to get the hang of it.
One thing that seems to keep happening is, while I'm on a STAR heading for an approach to the runway that Simbrief is planning for, I often get an "expect runway xx" call that is usually a direct reciprocal of the runway and approach that I am expecting. I've learned not to select the approach PF3 says to expect, because when I reach the end of the STAR, it usually clears me to the original runway that Simbrief and I both were expecting.
Is there a way to make this not the case? I suppose I could X out all the runways at the destination airport but the one I expect to eventually use. Is there a less severe way to accomplish this? I do still like the program to be able to change the runway if the winds change.
I am flying without any AI traffic. So that should not be an issue. Also, using Active Sky, not MSFS live weather.