![[ img ]](https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu800z6zko5re56/randomizer3beta.jpg?dl=1)
Hi All,
This place has been quiet for a while, thus, I'd like to share the news that Randomizer 3 will soon replace the old version.
Main new features:
- User interface – now you can easily select the presets and set the core parameters. Extensive INI adjustments are still available.
- Gates management and randomization (integrated with the PF3's gates system).
- Improved management of presets and procedures. Randomization is now completely optional and the program can be used "just" as a storage of procedures for their quick selection.
- "RUNS" – Randomizer Unified Naming System for departure/arrival instructions.
- The system of variables improved and extended.
- MCE support – randomization of co-pilots (with the possibility to define a corresponding PF3 pilot voice), awareness of procedures, instructions, and gates (you can ask your FO about them, anytime).
- File randomization – a strong tool for advanced users that enables to randomize any file (i.e. select the file from a pool of alternatives). Can be used for randomization of textures (e.g. Soft Clouds), sounds, aircraft settings, MCE voice scripts, etc.
Any comments, questions or requests are welcome!

I would like to thank Ralf for the motivation, the extensive beta testing and many smart ideas!