This is really starting to get old. I don't report all the approaches that wind up with me just having to bail out of ATC and fly the approach by myself, but this flight today is typical of the kind of ATC I frequently get. I approach the destination airport at an angle where a simple vector would get me on a suitable final approach to the runway. I am on approach control and hear no instructions as I get closer and closer to the arrival airport. Now I overfly the arrival airport with no instructions from ATC at all. While this is going on I am repeatedly contacting approach prior to arriving at the airport, telling approach my position, hoping to get some kind of direction to landing, and all I get is an acknowledgement of my position. Now I fly past the arrival airport and keep flying for many miles, and now I keep asking for a pilot's discretion to landing, which is totally ignored by ATC. So I am on my own at this point, do I keep flying for maybe another 20 miles. or 50 more miles, or forever? A this point, I just turn towards the runway which by this time is over 14 miles away at least, and fly an approach to the active runway and land. I fly for a Virtual airline and can't fly a 100 mile point to point flight and have another 60+ miles for the approach, because ATC won't tell me what to do.
Why does this keep happening? I have posted similar problems for months, and it keeps occurring, flight after flight.